
Posted: July 29, 2011 in Uncategorized

“There are different kinds of theft, this is one of them, I’m borrowing this from K :-D”

The excruciating boredom is so unbearable I
can feel the useless parts of my existence turn
into chunks and suffocate the life running
through my veins.
I choke on the sob blocking my airway, even
another deep breath can’t help me much.
“To be or not to be ?”
The silly meaningless question that good-for-nothing
Hamlet guy asked centuries ago.
I look at the thick wall built around me.
“Survival” the basic need for most beings.
“To live or not to live?”
Thousands of people are struggling against ugly
diseases on hospital beds.
“To end or not to end?”
Thousands of people are starving and still
desperately looking for a morsel of dirt to sooth
their hunger.
“To breathe or not to breathe?”
Thousands of children are holding wooden guns
in their bony hands to protect their younger
“To stop or not to stop?”
Thousands of people are facing natural
disasters this very moment.
I’m choking, it’s ending and no one is stopping
this silly vicious circle.
“To die or not to die?”
Please blow my life candle, this numbness is
appalling my apathy and this apathy is fueling
my anthrophobic thoughts!

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