Sleeping with the EX!

Posted: July 9, 2011 in family, husband, parenting, thought

The decision was made by those in charge so I’m left behind to look for somewhere that is close to K’s work-place and A’s school. Of course it must have a good view and spacious bedrooms. I found 2 apartments that quite looked affordable and the neighborhood seemed friendly enough for a gay family. Obviously it’s not quite the kind of place I want to live in and not somewhere that I can find a proper job. Sometimes I think moving to New York can’t be much of a bad idea but then we can’t really afford the luxury of such a big city.

I keep on looking then when K & A are back we can go together.

This morning I got a call from my sister, not that I hadn’t talked to her recently or I didn’t expect to hear from her, it was just too early and I was in deep sleep.

Being a woman and faulty like the rest of them she gave me a full report of the funeral with all her wrong assumptions. The worst was about K. From what she said I thought we made the best decision of K and A going together. The picture of a perfect family with the couple mourning silently and the kid trying to figure out what the big fuss was about. Some people can’t understand the definition of death for a 6-yr old kid is very different from all the surrounding adults. Her grandfather’s gone. That’s all. She will cherish the memories later but for now she may think he’ll be back or he’s somewhere out there. She has no idea what’s wrong with all those people expressing their condolence to her shocked mom who can’t even cry or to her dad that looks like shit as if it was his own father he lost. (But we all know he looks like shit naturally :-D)

I’d heard all of this but G told me something new. “Did you know K slept with M?”

I was like, WTF! Are you talking about my K? Sleep with as in sharing the same bed for just sleeping or as in having sex?

Apparently people talk and they are sooooooooooo stupidly blind. Those non-existent relatives who had no idea who fathered M’s sweet girl, at last met the guy in flesh and decided to open their ugly mouths and gossip. How can two people who have nothing in common get back together? Were they blind to see that simple ring around K’s finger?

I almost burst out laughing at how my very own sister believed such meaningless words. On a scale of 1-10, I give 13 to K for being gay. The guy hasn’t used his cock and hasn’t been intimate with a woman for so long that I doubt he can remember how a man and woman can have sex (EEWWWW).

Still I can’t blame them, they saw the three of them going to the very same bedroom because there weren’t any rooms left for K and A to sleep in; however I know the rest of the story since I was the one talking to my emo husband until 3:00 AM, lying on his hotel room trying to cry himself to sleep and worrying me to death.

Last night he was so unstable I would have gone and hugged him if I could, just to protect him from his demons.

This morning I’m only waiting for them to come back. This funeral was the last straw for K, he hit the bottom head first and now he’s bouncing his way up. I called him after talking to my sister and he sounded hoarsely better. The smart ass bunny was back with his dark sarcasm making fun of some silly relatives of M.

It seems life can get a little normal for us. Probably it’s time for me to throw some of these rocks into the ocean and move on!

  1. mark says:

    Take it from the newly “ancient pharaoh” rocks are not only for “getting off” they are also for “dropping” when you’re finally ready.

  2. Z says:

    As wise as ever 😀

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